Monday, September 14, 2009

Course Critique

I had mixed feelings all throughout the course. Initially I was even apprehensive to come to college and work as I was scared it would aggravate my condition. But as things gradually progressed I became more confident and I developed new ways of working in order to produce maximum output and not blame my health. Though at times I would do that. I was extremely satisfied with the way I coped with my health and still managed to work well. It was very difficult to be positive at every step.

Course wise I did learn a lot of things. Interactive textiles was a completely new thing to me and I was very fascinated by it.
The greatest skill however was to identify people who could work with us, make them understand what we wanted and then go to rectify their products. Dealing with people and making them work as you want them to seemed like a Herculean task. Also our communication skills were greatly tested as initially all we could tell people about was our ideas. We had nothing to show them. I realized that its very easy to talk but when it actually comes to doing it and achieving a particular level of finish and professionalism so that it can be sold is very difficult to achieve. There is a sharp contrast.
On the whole this course was satisfying as some of the skills I acquired, are going to be with me for life. I am going to take them forward with me.

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